Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Surpassing Even Your Own Expectations

Here's to when a recipe surpasses your expectations ~ Jill Badonsky

Here's to when anything surpasses your expectations!  I am so excited to be blogging during the Olympics.  I find great inspiration in all the stories about what it takes to get to the Olympics because I know that all those lessons are applicable and transferable to my own dream of becoming a published author.

I am also excited to announce that I finished the rough draft of my second novel, Disappear With Me.  I have some minor additions to make and some revising to remove some inconsistencies, but for the most part, my intention is there and the manuscript is done. 

I exceeded my own expectations and wrote my second novel in just about four months versus four years for the first one.  There were times when I wondered if I would ever get A Place to Call Their Own where I wanted it to be.

I believe there are two factors that made the difference with the second novel.  The first difference, is that I had a confidence in myself that I was able to finish the first novel.  The other difference is that I had an outline and did some other exercises exploring the elements of the novel before I began.  I had a road map the entire direction.

I will start my third novel today, but I have decided to scale back my writing time and focus on editing Disappear With Me and getting A Place to Call Their Own published. 

I just had to share how excited I am.  For me, another milestone is completed, and I'll probably always remember what I accomplished on the day that Michael Phelps won his 19th Olympic medal and became the most decorated Olympic athlete.  What wonderful memories and now I'll be reminded of the accomplishment, at least every four years.

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