Saturday, April 30, 2016

Muscular and Spiritual Energy

There’s a muscular energy in sunlight corresponding to the spiritual energy of the wind ~ Annie Dillard

Once you get your routines figured out, you might find them easy to adhere because they work so well for you.

My routines work for me because I truly am a morning person. I get up, ride my exercise bike, and then sit down at the computer for at least an hour before work each day. We are usually in bed by 9pm each night and I am up by 5 every day. This also helps me maintain a consistent sleep schedule.

Boundaries also work well for me, when it comes to writing. It’s hard for me to be creative after a full day of work, so I rarely work on creative, first draft writing in the evenings. I might work on editing if I have a novel coming out, but that is a bit different.

I’m not so good at setting boundaries with my NSEDJ, but I’m getting better at that as well.

I’d love to hear about how your routines and boundaries work well for your dream journey.


Is it possible for two Civil War veterans to find their place in the world on the Kansas Prairie?

My first novel, A Place to Call Their Own is available from Barnes and Noble!

Can two men find love amidst the pervasive culture of  propriety, honor, and expectation of the 1960s?

My latest novel, Need Your Love is available from Barnes and Noble!

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