Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Saying No

It comes from saying no to the 1000 things to make sure we don't get on the wrong track or try to do too much ~ Steve Jobs

There is so much to be involved in these days. Community organizations, religious organizations, professional organizations... you name it and there's a larger community to be a part.

Sometimes this community is a good thing. I blog about finding friends on your same dream journey with which to collaborate and grow along the way.

But sometimes you have say 'no' to things to grow professionally or on your dream journey. Sometimes the 'no' is temporary to get through some a busy time. Sometimes 'no' is permanent.

I recently changed my schedule at work so I go in earlier and get off earlier. We actually have time to eat an evening meal together and then evening TV. But I've set a boundary for myself and limiting myself to only two hours of television per night. (Sometimes, I don't even get the two hours in because I'm so tired, LOL!)

So don't be afraid 'no' if it means the balanced time to reach your goals.

What was the last thing you said 'no' to?


Is it possible for two Civil War veterans to find their place in the world on the Kansas Prairie?

When the War Between the States ended in 1865 many Americans emerged from the turmoil energized by their possibilities for the future. Frank Greerson and Gregory Young were no different. After battling southern rebels and preserving the Union, the two men set out to battle the Kansas Prairie and build a life together. Frank yearned for his own farm, away from his family—even at the risk of alienating them. Gregory, an only child, returned home to claim his inheritance to help finance their adventure out west.

Between the difficult work of establishing a farm on the unforgiving Kansas prairie, and the additional obstacles provided by the weather, Native Americans and wild animals, will their love and loyalty be enough to sustain them through the hardships?

Purchase A Place to Call Their Own from Amazon today!

Then request an Authorgraph, an electronic inscription, from me.

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