Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Fur, Fangs, and Felines by M.A. Church


23631202A snowstorm in the South—on New Year’s Eve—is a perfect recipe for a catastrophe. After two soul-crushing bad breaks, Kirk’s waiting for disaster number three to strike when, naturally, two stray cats arrive on his doorstep during the storm and decide to make themselves at home. Tenderhearted Kirk lets them stay even though there’s something decidedly odd about his overly friendly felines. 

Out of the punishing weather and full of tuna, Dolf and Tal are happy to be snug in Kirk’s house. But then their human goes outside for firewood and suffers a nasty fall that leaves him unconscious. Now the two cats have no choice but to reveal themselves. 

Kirk wakes up to find the two kitties are actually Dolf and Tal. They’re cat shifters—and his destined mates. Being part of a feline threesome is enough for Kirk to grapple with, but soon he learns they come from a clowder that doesn’t believe humans and shifters should mix. Kirk knew those two cats would be trouble. Little does he know the real trouble lies ahead.
audio books 27881262
available in french  
jamais-deux-sans-troisToutes griffes dehors, tome 1 Une tempête de neige dans le sud, le jour du Nouvel An, est la recette parfaite pour une catastrophe. Après deux incidents dévastateurs, Kirk attend qu'un troisième désastre se produise lorsque, tout naturellement, deux chats errants arrivent sur son palier durant la tempête et décident de faire comme chez eux dans sa maison. Kirk et son grand cœur les laissent rester, même s'il y a décidément quelque chose de bizarre avec ces nouveaux félins bien trop amicaux.

À l'abri du mauvais temps et remplis de thon, Dolf et Tal sont contents d'être blottis dans la maison de Kirk. Mais ensuite, leur humain se rend à l'extérieur à la recherche de bûches pour la cheminée et fait une chute violente qui le laisse inconscient. Les deux chats n'ont plus d'autres choix que de révéler leur identité.

Kirk se réveille et découvre que les deux chats sont en réalité Dolf et Tal ; deux chats métamorphes qui sont ses partenaires destinés. Faire partie d'un trio félin est déjà suffisamment difficile à encaisser pour Kirk, mais il apprend rapidement qu'ils viennent d'un clan qui ne croit pas que les humains et les métamorphes devraient se mélanger. Kirk a conscience que ces deux chats sont sur le point de faire basculer sa vie. Cependant, il ne sait pas que les vraies difficultés se trouvent devant lui.
available in german 
28198280Buch 1 in der Serie - Fell, Fangzähne und Feliden 

Ein Schneesturm im Süden – an Silvester – das kann nur in einer Katastrophe enden. Nach zwei schweren Schicksalsschlägen wartet Kirk nun auf den dritten, als plötzlich zwei Katzen in sein Leben platzen und Schutz vor der Kälte suchen. Kirk nimmt die beiden auf, obwohl er es sich eigentlich nicht leisten kann und die Katzen sich sehr auffällig verhalten. Dolf und Tal machen es sich bei Kirk bequem. Als ihr Mensch beim Holzholen schwer stürzt und sich verletzt, haben die beiden keine andere Wahl, sie müssen offenbaren, was sie sind. 

Als Kirk aufwacht, muss er feststellen, dass er keine Katzen, sondern Katzenwandler aufgenommen hat und nicht nur das, er ist ihr Gefährte. Eine Dreierbeziehung, noch dazu mit zwei Katzenwandlern, ist schon schwierig genug, aber bald muss sich Kirk auch noch mit feindseligen Rudelmitgliedern rumärgern, die der Meinung sind, dass sich Wandler nicht mit Menschen einlassen sollten. 

Kirk hatte geahnt, dass die beiden Katzen, Dolf und Tal, Ärger bedeuten würden, aber er hat keine Ahnung, was wirklich noch auf ihn zukommen sollte.

27153448Fur, Fangs, and Felines: Book Two

A cool morning, a yard full of birds, and a kitty on a mission. What more could a werecat want? Beta Heller Wirth has it all, except a mate—a shifter mate, that is. The last thing he wants is one of those dangerous humans who kill without remorse. Heller knows about that firsthand. So what does the goddess Bast do? She gives Heller exactly what he does not want—a human: business owner Lawson Dupre.

Lawson hasn’t a clue what just happened in his car detail shop. One minute a cute client is about to pass out, and then he perks up and starts flirting. Next thing, he runs out the door like the hounds of hell are after him. Learning that Heller is a werecat doesn’t freak out Lawson. He happens to be one of those rare humans who knows paranormals exists. He even lives with one. Watch the fur fly as Heller and Lawson battle hurt feelings, misguided beliefs, and a power shift in Heller’s clowder.  
   ItTakesTwotoTangoFS3Can two very different men find the love they need to survive?

Remi Ginn’s an easygoing werecat with a love of snarky T-shirts who would be perfectly happy with a human mate. Is that what the goddess Bast gives him? Of course not. Instead she gifts him with Marshell, a Vetala: a snakelike nonshifter who drinks blood to survive. A man who’s just as toppy as Remi—and even more powerful than the West Falls Clowder’s Alpha and heir apparent.

While Remi decides whether he can handle the fates’ choice, hunters attack Marshell. In an explosion of passion, Remi and Marshell mate and Remi declares Marshell his. Now they have to figure out how to make their relationship work as they dance around each other.

The clowder is in turmoil, and Remi’s acceptance of Marshell rocks the very foundation of the insular group. The consequences will be far-reaching. And if that isn’t problem enough, the situation with the hunters is far from resolved… as the appearance of an Alpha werewolf proves.
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“So where are we going?”
“Place called Seafood Palace,” Lawson said. “Name might be a little cheesy, but the food’s to die for.”
We were still on the back road that led to the main street when I noticed lights coming up behind us—coming up fast. It could be a cop, except I didn’t see any flashing lights. I didn’t like it.
“Yeah, yeah, I see it. Man, they’re flying.” Lawson kept glancing in the rearview mirror. “You buckled up?”
“Yes. You?” I checked just in case as I turned around to look out the back window.
“Always. Damn, Marshell, I don’t like this.” Lawson gripped the steering wheel. “They’re still in my lane. Shit, they’re cutting it close.”
I noticed Lawson moved his truck closer to the shoulder and slow down. I had a bad, bad feeling about this. If this was that fucking werewolf, I was going to rip his throat out if I got my hands on him. My heart rate spiked as I watched the lights getting closer. They now were practically on top of us and didn’t look like they were going around.
“Fucking hell, get ready, Lawson. They’re going to—” The headlights clipped us. Metal screeched, and I grabbed the dash.
We lurched forward with a snap, and I damn near bit my tongue off. My neck screamed, and the seatbelt tightened against me as we fishtailed. Fuck ripping the were’s throat out. I was going to rip his head off. If Lawson got hurt, Heller would likely rip my head off.
“Aw fuck!” Lawson fought the wheel, cussing a blue streak as his hands flew over it. “Shit, shit, shit, they’re coming again, the fuckers. Brace yourself!”
“Son of a bitch!” This was no kid who’d lost control or some drunk out riding around.
Whoever was behind us had used the pit maneuver. Cops often used it to shut down car chases. Had the were been a cop at some point? Maybe he still was? Then I forgot everything as the other vehicle rammed us again. This time Lawson’s truck spun completely around, and the smell of burning rubber hit me like a ton of bricks.
Lights, trees, and smoke from the tires sped past us in a crazy twirling mass. The truck slowed noticeably, then stopped. My gums tingled as my fangs dropped, and my vision dramatically sharpened, which meant my eyes had changed to that eerie blue.
Lawson’s fear soaked the truck, and that pumped my adrenaline even higher. Whoever had scared Lawson so badly was going to die a slow death by my hand. The other vehicle, nothing more than a flash of black, pulled in front of us, blocking our way. I snarled at it.
“You okay?” I yelled at Lawson, keeping an eye on the other vehicle. Lawson’s truck lights shined on the Crown Victoria. Two shadowy figures moved in the cab of the car. Two? That’s odd.
“I’m fine! Shit, Marshell. What are we going to do?”
“You still carrying that knife?”
“Good. Get it. Now!” The attackers leaped from the vehicle.
Had the werewolf brought backup? One figure was smaller than the other one, but that didn’t mean much to a shifter. That attacker approached Lawson’s side of the vehicle and struck the window with a baton.
A baton? Oh hell.
“Oh fuck,” Lawson yelled as glass shattered.
The window broke with one hit.
“Godda—” Lawson unbuckled his seatbelt, jerking away from the hands that came at him through the broken window.
A purely human scent flooded Lawson’s truck cab.
Roaring in anger, I flung my door open and jumped out. This wasn’t the werewolf who’d been stalking me. He wouldn’t be using a specially made baton with a cap on the end to break windows. He’d just yank the door off the truck or put his fist through it to get in.
MA Church Wolf 1000x1000 (2)  M.A. Church is a true Southern belle who spent many years in the elementary education sector. Now she spends her days lost in fantasy worlds, arguing with hardheaded aliens on far-off planets, herding her numerous shifters, or trying to tempt her country boys away from their fishing poles. It’s a full time job, but hey, someone’s gotta do it! When not writing, she’s on the back porch tending to the demanding wildlife around the pond in the backyard. The ducks are very outspoken. She’s married to her high school sweetheart, and they have two grown children. She was a finalist in the 2013 Rainbow Awards, runner up in the 2015 Rainbow Awards, and is a member of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. authorlinks

Monday, August 22, 2016

Disappear With Me is available again!


In 1910, the United Kingdom was in turmoil. King Edward died after only nine years on the throne. The social class system that upheld British society for centuries was being chipped away by social, political, and economic unrest across the Commonwealth. Amidst this backdrop, Reverend Leander Norris is accused of sodomy. After discovering his own self-worth and the meaning of unconditional love, Leander finds the courage to stand up for what he believes is right and pleads not guilty to the charges.

Throughout the trial, Leander’s past is revealed, including the temptations that bring the accusations against him. By the end of the trial, Leander is once again reunited with a romantic interest from the past. It may be too late to rekindle any love that remains, given the circumstances of the era and Leander’s likely sentence.

Love is greater than hope or faith, but can Leander convince a jury that the love he shares with another man is natural?

Get Disappear With Me Here:


“I think we need to think about our relationship a bit and define it,” Raphael said, staring down into a book. It was a rare occasion that they were studying alone together.
The hair prickled on Leander’s neck; his chest and stomach tightened. He tried to remain calm. “What needs to be defined?”
“What I mean is, I guess we need to think about our future and what that might bring. I mean, we’re at the end of our third year. After next, we’ll be done and probably be assigned to opposite ends of the country.”
“Or,” Leander said, “we could ask Father John to help get us assigned closer together.” He knew once again where the conversation was headed and took a deep breath. “Raphael, what is going on?”
“Well…nothing really…it’s—”
“Ray, put the book down and look at me. It’s what? Please, do tell.”
Raphael laid his book in his lap and looked directly at him. “Lee, we’re getting ready to take our exams and go on our way. We’ll move on with our lives and put away these childish boyhood games we’ve played with each other. We’ll get married, have kids of our own. Right now, with third year ending and the fourth about to begin, I don’t need any distractions.”
“So that’s what I’ve been the last seven years? A distraction?”
“Don’t get bent out of shape, chum. I suppose I meant to say—”
“And what exactly did you need a distraction from, Ray?”
“The whole situation. How would you feel if your parents dumped you on the parish rector’s doorstep to prepare for university?” Raphael blurted out.
The evening had been going so well. Raphael was having as hard of a time with the conversation as he was. Raphael had never been this insensitive.
“Maybe I should go,” Raphael said.
“Raphael, tell me what’s going on here. Let’s forget the years at Father John’s. We were adolescents and didn’t really consummate our relationship until we left. You’re going to throw the last three years away?”
“It’s not like we won’t continue to be friends. But I think we should be friends like other men, Leander. I hang out with Narron and his lot, but we don’t go around having sex with each other after a rugby match. You mean a lot to me, Leander. I couldn’t have survived the situation without you. I’ve told you that before. Now, though, I think we need to set some boundaries between us.”
Leander’s silence and stare prompted him to continue. “I guess I’ve been thinking about the passages we’ve been learning lately. It started about six weeks ago, when we studied that passage from Romans. We both know Paul was speaking about men like us. And last week’s rant about staying single. I think I need to be focused on finishing fourth year and not be encumbered by any distractions.”
“Every time you bring it up,” Leander said, “I want to tell you that Paul was like us and was trying to deal with some of the same things you’re dealing with now.”
“Lee, did you really think we would continue to be with each other this way? Don’t you want a wife and family?” Raphael asked in a quiet voice.
“Ray, you’re the only person who ever treated me like family.” Leander tried to stop the tears from flowing down his cheeks. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
“Do you know what would happen if we were discovered? Buggery’s illegal, you know. You remember what happened a couple of years ago on Cleveland Street?”
“Of course I do, Raphael, but that argument is weak. The Cleveland Street situation was as much about little Eddy getting caught as it was about prostitution.” He tried to calm his breathing and mask his hurt and desperation from Raphael. “Do you think what we do is criminal? Do you think after all this time we should be arrested for what I thought was love?”
“Well, no, but…”
“But what?”
Raphael sat in silence and after a while started picking up his books.
“You know, Leander, I didn’t mean for you to take things so rough. And I can’t explain what’s happening. I mean, two months ago I was utterly happy and content with what was going on between us, but now I’m not so sure. I’m not sure at all. I’m sorry you’re caught in the middle of my quandary. I wish there was something I could say to help you feel better, but I can’t tell you what you want to hear. I wish I could, but I can’t.”

About Dean Frech

With inspiration from historical tourism sites, the love of reading, and a desire to write a novel, Dean started crafting his debut novel, A Place to Call Their Own, in 2008. After four years of writing and polishing the manuscript, it was accepted and originally published 2013. His second novel, Disappear With Me, set in Edwardian England was published later that same year. Both novels were re-released in May 2015.
Dean lives in Kansas City, Missouri with his two cats. He’s involved in his church and enjoys watching movies, outdoor activities in the warmer weather, and spending time with friends and family. In addition to writing, Dean’s hobbies include reading and patio gardening.
Dean is currently working a standalone title, Sartin, a merman romance, and The Higher Law, a continuation of the story of Frank and Gregory’s family set in the 1930s.

Connect with Dean 

Facebook:  Dean Frech, Author page or send a friend request Dean Frech.
Twitter: @thedeanfrech
Google+: +deanfrech
Goodreads: Dean Frech
Pinterest:  Dean Frech


Is it possible for two Civil War veterans to find their place in the world on the Kansas Prairie?

My first novel, A Place to Call Their Own is available from JMS Books !

Love is greater than hope or faith, but can Leander convince a jury that the love he shares with another man is natural?

My second novel, Disappear With Me, is available from JMS Books!

Can two men find love amidst the pervasive culture of  propriety, honor, and expectation of the 1960s?

My latest novel, Need Your Love is available from JMS Books!

My contemporary short story, "Jackpot!" is available in the Love is Proud Anthology from JMS Books! All proceeds benefit the victims of the Orlando Pulse Shooting!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Showing Him the Ropes by Christa Tomlinson

Showing Him The Ropes BannerTitle: Showing Him the Ropes
Author: Christa Tomlinson
Series Title and Number: Champions of Desire #1
Publisher: Self Published
Cover Artist: Jay Aheer
Release Date: August 16, 2016
Heat Level: 4
Pairing: Male/Male
Length: appx 74,000 / 180 p
Genre/Tags: M/M Romance, Contemporary, Erotic, Sports

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Chance “The Chancellor” Gerhardt is a mainstay for Frontier Professional Wrestling. He’s won multiple championships and has the respect of the locker room. But after ten years at the top, Chance is looking for a new challenge. The one he gets, mentoring FPW’s young rookie, is both unexpected and unwanted. Devin Jacobs is a hot new talent signed by Frontier Professional Wrestling. He’s always been a fan of The Chancellor, and not just because of the older man’s skill in the ring. He has it bad for the steely eyed veteran wrestler. Unfortunately for Devin, The Chancellor doesn’t believe in mixing business with pleasure, and isn’t looking to get involved with anyone. Or is he? During long nights traveling and working together, Devin catches more than one secretly admiring glance from The Chancellor… Devin is determined to earn victories and championships in the ring. But he’d also love the opportunity to win Chance’s heart. Can the two of them navigate their way through the hyper masculinity and backstage politics of professional wrestling to the most important victory of all? Or will their shot at love be defeated 1-2-3? Christa Tomlinson is a lifelong fan of professional wrestling. When she’s not writing, Christa can be found watching her favorite classic matches or traveling to live wrestling events.


Devin changed the subject again. “So are you married? “Hell no.” “Are you seeing anybody?” “No.” “Mess around with the ring rats then?” Chance laughed. “Not even close.” Devin thought that was an interesting answer. “So do you not hook up with any chicks? Should your gimmick be The Monk instead of The Chancellor?” “I’m not a damn monk.” “So then who-.” Chance cut him off. “This conversation is done.” Devin sat there quiet for a moment. Chance sounded just like him when he’d been trying to squirm out of admitting he was gay. And it made him wonder. Could The Chancellor be gay as well? “I don’t hook up with any of the groupies either.” “So?” “I’m just saying, while we’re traveling together, you won’t have to worry about me bringing any girls up to our hotel room.” Chance snorted and flicked on the right blinker to get over and exit the freeway. “Trust me, you wouldn’t. Because I wouldn’t allow it.” Devin laughed as they drove down the exit ramp. “Is that right? What would you do if I did, spank me?” They’d come to idle at a stop light, so Chance turned and looked at him. His face was half in shadow, but Devin saw him run his eyes over him. And his heart started to pound. He knew that look. He'd seen that look plenty of times before - from guys who were interested in him. Seeing it from The Chancellor was the last thing he'd expected. But before he could decide what to say, or if he even should say anything, the light turned green. Chance turned back around to proceed through the intersection...


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Meet the Author

Christa Tomlinson is an exciting up and coming author in erotic romance. Her first self-published novel, The Sergeant, was an Amazon Best Seller for Gay and Lesbian Erotica for seven weeks straight.
Although Christa graduated from The University of Missouri-St. Louis with a degree in History, she currently prefers to write contemporary romance. She loves to create stories that are emotional and lovely with sex that is integral to the characters' romantic arc. Her books include straight couples, curvy couples, gay, and multicultural couples. Love is love and everyone should have their story told. Christa lives in Houston, Texas with her two dogs, and is a retired roller derby player.

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Rafflecopter Prize: Three lucky winners will each receive a signed paper back copy and cover art posters of Showing Him the Ropes. Save Save

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Given the Circumstances by Brad Vance

Given the Circumstances Banner
Title: Given the Circumstances AudioBook
Author: Brad Vance
Publisher: AuthorsRepublic
Release Date: July 13, 2016
Heat Level: 3 - Some Sex
Pairing: Male/Male
Length: 03 Hours 30 Minutes
Genre: Romance
Sub-Genre: Sports Romance, New Adult

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Two promising college athletes meet, each needing something only the other can give him… When Roger and Brian lock eyes on the first day of school, a friendship is born. Both men are hungry for connection – Brian needs the acceptance, encouragement and support he never had growing up, and when he finds out his new best friend is gay, it brings his own sexual identity into question. Roger needs a big brother, a best friend, but that will never be enough, especially not when he’s this close to big, strong, handsome Brian. And both men want something more – careers as professional athletes. For Roger, the demands of the closet, the need to reject the love of a man to fulfill his love of the game, will be a crushing burden. For Brian, his downfall will be the substances he uses to get an edge over the competition, and to suppress his gnawing self-doubt and guilt. One set of desires will bring them together, the other will force them apart…


  Just give me another minute, Brian appealed. But his feet didn’t listen, they kept propelling him forward, and his hand went to the door handle. I’m not ready. It didn’t matter, he knew. He was here, the die was cast, as Caesar had said. He opened the door and walked in. Look at them, he told himself. Brainiacs. What are you doing here? It was Cal State Berkeley, man. Not Party Hearty State College, where he maybe, probably, should have gone. It wasn’t Lessing College, where he’d at least been able to keep his scholastic head above water. He had a year of sitting out ahead of him, a year in academia alone for the first time in his life. Fucking insane stupid NCAA transfer rules that deny an athlete a whole year in his prime, for what? To keep you chained to the wheel, for the benefit of the schools and the coaches and the boosters, never the student, no matter what claptrap they spouted about academic excellence, stay the course, blah blah blah. There was nobody with a hand on his shoulder, nobody to whisper, “You belong here.” He was on a baseball scholarship, or would be next year. This year he was here on a boatload of student loans. And like anyone else in his situation, who’d made a huge change and realized it couldn’t be unchanged, his blood had gone ice cold and he’d thought, What have I done? Everyone in the classroom was in their own little world, not even looking up at the new guy. Nobody looks at anybody, he thought, anywhere ever. Trying to make eye contact with people on campus was like a contact sport where the goal was to avoid contact. Some people were oblivious, in their own world. Some people were shy, some people were assholes. But almost nobody wanted to look at you, just nod, and smile, and say “Hey.” To just be…civilized. They acted like you were going to ask them for spare change, or beg them to join your cult. It was the first time in his life he’d been somewhere he didn’t know anyone. And it sucked. But one guy in the classroom looked at him right away. A fellow jock, no doubt – another guy always watching patterns, movements, making sure no detail of the action escaped his attention. The guy nodded, Brian nodded back. The desk on his left was empty, and Brian took it. Something tense unknotted inside him, now that he’d finally had his first friendly moment of the day, of his new life. It was something he’d needed like a glass of water. “Hey, I’m Roger,” the dude said, offering his hand. He looked familiar to Brian, with his dark hair and big blue eyes, the ultra-white sclera of a clean-living man, and the pale skin of someone who either spent this last summer indoors or had sensitive skin. He looked to be just short of Brian’s own height of six foot four, but not as beefy as Brian. He had a firm grip, and a big hand. A really big hand. Meaty and work-toughened, like his own. Football, Brian thought. Was he a wide receiver? I feel like I should know who he is… “I’m Brian.” Roger looked at Brian, at his serious handsome face, tanned from the summer he’d spent outdoors without any of the sunscreen Roger applied rigorously. He took in Brian’s dark hair and dark eyes, and felt his grip match Roger’s own. Put it back, Roger told himself. But “it” was out – he was young and horny and this guy was…hot. He’s a big bastard, he’s got to be 240 at least. All muscle, heroic shoulders and chest. Rolling on top of you, wrestling with you, pinning you down, one of the one tenth of one percent of guys in the world who are bigger than you, who can do that, who can win that fight, the fight you’d put up to make him prove his worth, all the while wanting to lose, refusing to lose, thrilled to lose… And then what? he said, discipline kicking in like it did every time now, every time he met a hot guy. Walk it forward. Let’s say he’s gay, and you fall in love, and then you’re a couple, and then everyone knows you’re gay, and that’s it for your NFL dreams, buddy. No. He’d put too much into it for too long, to lose it in exchange for a couple quick spurts. Nobody knows who you’re thinking about when you jerk off, he thought. That’s all you get for the next ten years. Just…remember him. And use this tonight. Dude is intense, Brian thought, feeling the force of Roger’s gaze. Then there was no more time for conversation, as the professor dashed in the door, hair and papers flying behind him. “Good morning. As they say on the plane, our destination today is the Italian Renaissance. If that is not your destination, you’re on the wrong flight.” That broke the first class tension, the tension when you didn’t know if the professor was going to be a flake, or an asshole, or an idiot, or a bore.


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Meet the Author Brad Vance writes gay romance, erotica and paranormal stories and novels, including the breakout hits "A Little Too Broken" and "Given the Circumstances." Email: BradVanceErotica@gmail.com Website: http://www.BradVanceErotica.wordpress.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/brad.vance.10

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Sunday, August 7, 2016

Rainbow Snippets: Disappear With Me

Reverend Leander Norris straightened his clothes again. A storm brewed downstairs.
Time to face the inquisition. He stole one final glance in the mirror, drew in a deep breath, and went downstairs to his office.
When Leander opened the door, Bishop Charles Greene squatted behind his desk as if it were the bishop’s own. Leander reached out to shake the bishop’s hand. His superior ignored the gesture. Leander took the seat in front of the desk normally reserved for visitors. The knothole in the floor caught his attention. Emil had tried to fill the hole many years ago, but now it was empty again.

Pre-order #DWM here:

This is the Third Edition of Disappear With Me. Check out past review on Pinterest.

Also- Check out other great LGBTQIA+ novels on Facebook through the Rainbow Snippets Group!


Is it possible for two Civil War veterans to find their place in the world on the Kansas Prairie?

My first novel, A Place to Call Their Own is available from JMS Books !

Love is greater than hope or faith, but can Leander convince a jury that the love he shares with another man is natural?

My second novel, Disappear With Me, is available for pre-order from JMS Books!

Can two men find love amidst the pervasive culture of  propriety, honor, and expectation of the 1960s?

My latest novel, Need Your Love is available from JMS Books!

My contemporary short story, "Jackpot!" is available in the Love is Proud Anthology from JMS Books! All proceeds benefit the victims of the Orlando Pulse Shooting!