Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Way We Meet Events

I am more and more convinced that our happiness or unhappiness depends more on the way we meet the events of life rather than on the nature of those events themselves ~ Alexander von Humbolt

What a crazy three or four months my life has been! We started the process of buying a house on July 19. It took 88 days close. During that time, I started and completed another novel, and received a submission back. The work job got insanely busy for a period of about six weeks and continues to be out of control.

Through all this, I knew that once we got through the closing and the busyness at work, life would calm down again and I could focus on writing. Now, revisions on both manuscripts loom in front of me as I attempt to get them done by the end of the year. As the holidays approach, I know our lives with continue to be busy and it’s just a matter of sticking to my daily routines to achieve the goals.

If you don’t have regular dream goal routines in place, busy times are good time to establish them. Sometimes I get more done and am more productive when life is busy. I seem to be able to fit all the important things in when I’m busy.

How do you still accomplish your dream goals when life is so busy?


Is it possible for two Civil War veterans to find their place in the world on the Kansas Prairie?

My first novel, A Place to Call Their Own is available from All Romance eBooks!

Love is greater than hope or faith, but can Reverend Leander Norris convince a jury that the love he shares with another man is natural? 

My latest novel, Disappear With Me is available from All Romance eBooks!

Then request an Authorgraph, an electronic inscription, from me.

Use #APTCTO and #disappearwithme to mention on social media!

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