Sunday, February 15, 2015

Warm Car on a Cold Day

Here’s to the way a warm car feels on a cold day ~ Jill Badonsky

For me, achieving a warm car on a cold day mean preparation and planning. Most of the time, it means I need to be ready five or ten minutes before I really want to leave so the car can warm up. It’s very similar to preparing to achieve your dream goal.

Every year since 2012, I have made very specific plans to complete very specific writing goals. That takes some preparation and planning to get my head around what I would like to achieve in the upcoming year. Last year, I honestly didn’t get that plan together until about mid-January. This year, although I had my plan together after Christmas this year, I am now five or six weeks behind. I will regroup at some point in the year and either get caught up or revise my plan.

Planning and preparation can help with any daunting task. If finding the time to work on your dream goals is a challenge for you, plan to work on your dream goal during specific times. Make an appointment with yourself.

What plans and preparation have you made to achieve your goals in 2015?


Is it possible for two Civil War veterans to find their place in the world on the Kansas Prairie?

My first novel, A Place to Call Their Own is available from Amazon US!

Love is greater than hope or faith, but can Reverend Leander Norris convince a jury that the love he shares with another man is natural? 

My latest novel, Disappear With Me is available from Amazon US!

Or, check out my author page on Amazon UK.

Then request an Authorgraph, an electronic inscription, from me.

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