Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Color Purple

I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it ~ Alice Walker

I think it pisses God off when we don't notice a lot of things. We live in such a fast paced world anymore, sometimes simple things can be missed.

But they don't have to be. It's up to me to stop and take time to enjoy life, even though I have some pretty aggressive goals for the year. I am in a groove where if I don't get my writing done, my day feels completely off. Sometimes that writing comes quickly and I'm done in forty five minutes and other times its take and hour or hour and a half.

I'm also involved in a new critique group, doing some additional guest posts and hosting people as well. Networking and social media are becoming more important to promote my two novels and I'm jumping in head first.

And I'm still taking time to relax and enjoy myself. I try not to spend too much time on social media, but work to post relative content and network just a little bit daily. I set a time for myself each evening during the week to be done and I set a time during the day on the weekends to be finished with writing and focus on relaxing and fun.

How are you doing this year with setting boundaries and enjoying your success in your dream journey?


Is it possible for two Civil War veterans to find their place in the world on the Kansas Prairie?

My first novel, A Place to Call Their Own is available from Amazon US!

Love is greater than hope or faith, but can Reverend Leander Norris convince a jury that the love he shares with another man is natural? 

My latest novel, Disappear With Me is available from Amazon US!

Or, check out my author page on Amazon UK.

Then request an Authorgraph, an electronic inscription, from me.

Use #APTCTO and #disappearwith me to mention on social media!

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