Thursday, April 28, 2016

A Lump in the Throat

A poem begins with a lump in the throat ~ Robert Frost

Your dream journey usually also starts as a lump in the throat or an itch that one can’t shake. It’s an idea so that so ingrained in your being, it’s probably always been there.

For me, once I settled into my writing routines, I found writing a natural extension of myself. Getting up early in the morning, working for an hour before going to work, makes my day go much better. I much more relaxed, calm, and serene during the day when I get up, excercise, then write for at least an hour.

Working on my dream goal is a regular par of my day as eating or sleeping. When I don’t make the time to get up and work on my projects, my day seems lacking.

Tell me about a part of your dream journey that was easy for you.


Is it possible for two Civil War veterans to find their place in the world on the Kansas Prairie?

My first novel, A Place to Call Their Own is available from Smashwords!

Can two men find love amidst the pervasive culture of  propriety, honor, and expectation of the 1960s?

My latest novel, Need Your Love is available from Smashwords!
Coming soon from JMS Books: Disappear With Me!

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