Thursday, May 12, 2016

Parts of Jobs that We Love

Here’s to the parts of our jobs that we love ~ Jill Badonsky

No matter how much we enjoy our dream journey, there will be tasks that we just don’t like. For me, it’s the promo part of writing. I am inconsistent with asking for reviews from blogs, posting in the Facebook groups, and asking to do guest posts. But that is part of sales process in today’s Internet global market.

When I was in direct sales, one of the tips constantly given by top leadership was to hire other people to do the work that anyone could do. Recently, I read a Mary Kay Ash book and she talked about having a housekeeper as soon as she could afford it. Mary Kay said that anyone could clean her house, but only she could lead and build her team. So that’s one tip to get out of the tasks that you don’t like that have to be done.

I supposed I need to have more faith in my own work. I do need to hire a assistant to do the promo part for me. Promo needs to be consistent. I have to write the content in my own voice, but I don’t necessarily need to be the one that contacts all the blog sites out there. Amazing what brainstorms I come up with writing posts.

So, here’s to the parts of our jobs that we love, and help us figure out a way to delegate the stuff that we don’t.

What’s a task in your dream journey you’re able to hire out or delegate?


Is it possible for two Civil War veterans to find their place in the world on the Kansas Prairie?

My first novel, A Place to Call Their Own is available from Smashwords!

Can two men find love amidst the pervasive culture of  propriety, honor, and expectation of the 1960s?

My latest novel, Need Your Love is available from Smashwords!
Coming soon from JMS Books: Disappear With Me!

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