Saturday, May 7, 2016


Here’s to a moment of relief ~ Jill Badonsky

So…I’m back at some of my regular routines. This is the third full week of consistent blog posts, I am participating in my critique groups, life is better than it has been.

I feel a sense of relief to resume many of my normal activities in my writing life. There have been times in the past when I felt guilty and worried about not completing those activities. My comfort comes not only from returning to the activities that build my writer brand, but also from giving myself a break.

Would I have prefered/wanted/loved to have more titles available at this point in my publishing career? Absolutely.

For me, it just wasn’t in the cards, and I am fine with that. Everything comes in its due time and evidently there are more life lessons to learn before I can put out another new title. Maybe it was to keep all my titles with one publisher? Seems to be working out for me so far.

Wherever you are in your dream journey, I hope you have some relief as well. My wish for you is that your relief is in accomplishment. But if that’s not where you are, my desire is that your relief comes in giving yourself a break.

Where, how, why do you feel relief on your dream journey?


Is it possible for two Civil War veterans to find their place in the world on the Kansas Prairie?

My first novel, A Place to Call Their Own is available from Kobo!

Can two men find love amidst the pervasive culture of  propriety, honor, and expectation of the 1960s?

My latest novel, Need Your Love is available from Kobo!

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