Sunday, November 18, 2012


I bet you thought I forgot about you today?  Not at all, I just had an announcement I wanted to make and reflect upon, but had to wait until today to write about it.

I was nominated and elected to my church's Board of Elders this morning at church.  I am honored and humbled to have been nominated in the first place, let alone elected to serve a term of three years on the church's governing board.

Earlier this week, I saw a slide show on Oprah's website that was a list of opportunities you should never turn down.  The list includes things such as a godchild's plea, garlic, an invitation to Sunday dinner.  When I was notified that my name was nominated by the committee at church, I had an overwhelming feeling that I needed to accept this nomination. 

This feeling is very much like my journey as a writer.  I feel very much that same:  that is a calling which I must answer.  Your dream journey should call to you just the same.  I believe Oprah calls it a whisper. 

What whisper have you  heard in your life lately?

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