Thursday, October 4, 2012

What's Necessary

Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible ~ St. Francis of Assisi

When you look at any dream goal, this quote is so true!  Take my writing for example, there were days I struggled to write just 250 words.  There were months I struggled to make blog posts.  But I knew I needed to do both of these tasks daily to become a successful author.

When I figured out a blog post schedule and outlined the rest of my first novel, I moved into the realm of doing what's possible.  Not only have I consistently made four blog posts a week, I finished writing my first novel after four years.  I went from barely writing 250 words per week to writing 5000 words per week and finished the novel within four weeks of completing the outline that was desperately needed.

After I finished my first novel, I immediately started on the second novel and finished the initial draft in four months.  I never would have thought I would have been able to do that.  To me that is the impossible.  Now I am entering writing contests, getting ready to submit queries to agents and publishing companies.  Although it is my goal, it's still surreal to me that I am at this point with my writing.

What step are you at in your dream goal:  necessary, possible, or impossible? 

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