Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Only Reason One Does is That One Can't Help it

The only reason one paints is that one can't help it.  It's a function like any of the other functions of the body...One paints for oneself:  otherwise, one would commit suicide...The artist gets a peculiar sensation from something he sees, and is impelled to express it and, he doesn't know why he can only express his feeling by lines and colors ~ from Of Human Bondage by W. Somerset Maughan

Happy New Year! 

I chose the above passage from Of Human Bondage because I just read it over my holiday vacation and it struck me as remarkably true.  Like I always do with my quotes, you could substitute the word "artist" with whatever dream journey you are taking.  The references to drawing/painting can be substituted with the actions that you do in your dream journey or regular occupation.

I hope that each and everyone one of you that read my blog regularly have found your dream occupation and are on your path to achieving those goals.  Last year was a banner year for me and reaching my goals.  Not only did I become a more consistent blogger, I finished my first novel.  I finished A Place to Call Their Own in March and used the momentum to start and finish a second novel, Disappear With Me.  Both novels are in the editing phase and should be ready for publication later this year.

If you have not found your dream yet or have not acted upon it, I encourage you to start exploring your options.  Even if you only make a tiny step towards your long term dream vision, I can't tell you how good it feels to reach those small benchmarks.

I surprised myself so much last year, that I had to think about even bigger goals for 2013.  I have settled on publishing both novels that are completed and finishing a third novel that I have started, The Higher Law.  Those are my writing goals for 2013.  And now that I've made them public, I'll have to follow through, right?

What are your goals for 2013?  I'd love to hear!

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