Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Path of Joy

Learning to live in the preset moment is part of the path of joy ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach

I've talked a lot about creating a vision and goals for the future.  I've talked a lot about using visualization to get you through the tough times.  Look at all my dream boards on Pinterest!

I hope I've also made clear the importance of working in the present moment.  No matter how much you visualize and plan, I'm convinced your dreams won't come true without hard work.  That's where your routines and boundaries come in. No matter what your dream journey, you have to have routine, focused activities to achieve those stretch goals.

I'll also be the first to admit that sometimes those routines can get to be more of a chores.  That happened to me last summer.  But I worked through those feelings and just two months later, my second novel was written.  Now nine months later, I'm getting ready to publish my first novel with Musa Publishing.

Have you been working in the present moment?

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