Saturday, March 31, 2012

You Can Have Anything

You can have anything if you want it desperately enough.  You must want it with an exuberance that erupts through the skin and joins the energy that created the world ~ Sheila Graham

Yesterday ended the First Quarter of 2012.  Last night on the new, NBC reported that it was probably the strongest quarter for Wall Street since 1998.  The strongest quarter since 1998!

How is your 2012 coming along?  Are you achieving everything you want to so far this year?  I am proud to say I am having a rather productive year!  Two weeks ago I finished the first draft of my novel, A Place to Call Their Own.  I am working on the first round of edits and rewriting of that manuscript and working on my current WIP, currently titled Love Suffers Long.

I learned a great deal about the outlining/note taking process towards the end of finishing A Place to Call Their Own.  I'm now learning just as much in the editing process.  Of course I'm trying to apply all that to the new project as well.

I'm excited to start a new work-job next week that will give me a schedule more conducive to my writing and creativity.  It means giving up some personal time with my partner, but it's a good job and he understands.

How about you?  How are your plans coming along?  If they are just as planned, good for you!  Keep up the good work and by the end of the year, or your goal date, you should have reached your goal. 

But if not, don't despair.  Step back and take a look at your goal and ask yourself some questions.  If you planned to start your goal earlier than now, why haven't you?  Are you truly passionate about your goal?  If you are, have you made the necessary routines and boundaries necessary to work on your goal or dream every day?  If not, ask yourself again, are you truly passionate about your goal?

How is your 2012 going?  I'd love to hear!

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