Thursday, April 19, 2012

Excellence is Not an Act, But a Habit

We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence then is not an act, but a habit ~ Aristotle

I absolutely believe that we become what we repeatedly do and I absolutely believe that excellence is a habit and routine we have to strive for every day.

I thought I would take today to review my strategy for dream journey of becoming a published novelist.  I know there are quite a few new followers out there that might be getting bits and pieces of the message.  If you’ve been following me for a while, this will be good review.

My plan is a five part plan for success, excellence if you will:
  • Create Your Vision
  • Set Goals
  • Develop and Follow Routines
  • Define Boundaries
  • Find at least one Friend

Last week I wrote quite a bit about Creating Your Vision.  The next step is to Set Goals that support your vision.  Then you Develop and Follow Routines that support your goals and Define Boundaries so that you create some balance in your life.  Finally, Find at least one Friend to share your journey with.

And then when you’re done figuring all that out, you go back and continually refine what you’re going after and what you’re created.  Remember Sunday’s post, Eudora Welty brought us don’t think you’ve ever seen the last of anything.

Have you reviewed your plan lately?  I’d love to hear!

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