Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hopefully Midnight Doesn't Come

I dreamed about these moments, and I think I hoped I would have them, but you don't know.  So when the lucky break hits, it's like being Cinderella and hopefully midnight doesn't come ~Katherine Heigl

What a week this has been!  I just finished the first round of edits for my novel, A Place to Call Their Own.  I've experienced a whirlwind of emotions looking at the manuscript again.  At first I was overwhelmed looking at all the notes.  After letting it rest overnight, I reviewed the notes and they didn't seem that scary at all.

And it's been a busy week!  My critique group met changed it's meeting day, so I had one less day to prepare for that.  I've been working a few extra hours at work. 

Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed the challenges the last couple of weeks have presented.  I do feel like Cinderella and I hope midnight doesn't come.  And finally, I submitted my edits today.  Round one, two more to go!

Tell me about a busy time on your dream journey and what you learned from it, I'd love to hear.

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