Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Ability to Surrender

What I know for sure:  Often we don't even realize who we're meant to be because we're so busy trying to live out someone else's ideas.  But other people and their opinions hold no power in defining our destiny.  What has made me successful is the ability to surrender my plans, dreams, and goals to a power that's greater than other people and greater than myself ~ Oprah Winfrey

Late last year, I was a bit frustrated with the publishing prospects for A Place to Call Their Own.  I had heard from a small publisher, who even called me, but never followed through with some editing they said they were going to do.  I kept getting rejection letters (emails), some very professional.  Others, although I have to assume they meant to be helpful, very mean-spirited and demoralizing. 

So I put it aside and decided to hire a professional editor and self publish.  The only catch was that I would have to wait until about the this time of year.  In the meantime, I decided to start self-editing Disappear With Me.  And although I wanted A Place to Call Their Own to be published first, I finally came to terms that it might not be.

Then, out of the blue, I heard from Musa Publishing.  It wasn't until I let it go and let the universe take control did it come to be.  I just got my first set of edits back, and boy is that a humbling experience.  This company was willing to see through the editing for my story and is willing to take a chance on me.  for Me, that is truly a humbling experience and allowing the universe to do its work.

When did you experience a humbling, out of the blue, moment on your dream journey?

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