Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Live Like a Fruit Fly

It's been a while since I've posted a book review.  But after reading Live Like a Fruit Fly by Gabe Berman, I wanted to post a review.

If you have ever been asked to read a book by your manager, your direct sales sponsor, or anyone else, but hate to read, then this is the book for you.

Using the analogy of a fruit fly's life, Gabe basically lays out the principle that a fruit fly doesn't live that long, but immediately sets about to live it's short life.  It doesn't wait for all the things that we humans sometimes let get in the way. 

The book is written in direct, informal language.  I could actually "hear" Gabe's New York accent as I read his words.  That's one of the reasons I recommend this for anyone who doesn't like to read.  Another reason is the short chapters.  If you're trying to create a daily reading habit and the thought of reading a whole book is daunting, Gabe's chapters are short but powerful.  If you read one chapter per day of this book, it would definitely be baby steps towards creating a daily reading habit.

Live Like a Fruit Fly is definitely on my list of recommended reads for anyone searching for their destiny in life.

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